So I have been studying Colossians for a little over two weeks now, and it has produced a very fruitful time in my life, and I am learning a lot from this study. I have finished chapter one now and will give you some of my thoughts and notes from (v.15-29) in this blog.
(v.15-20) Paul tells us that Christ has authority over all things on earth and in heaven. He created all, and rules over all. In verse 17 Paul mentions that in Christ all things hold together, and nothing falls apart. In verse 18 Paul says says that Christ is the head of the Church. Now that statement of Christ being the head of the Church is a very BIG TRUTH. Christ is the leader of the saints (believers who make up the church) and He should be our focus. Unfortunately a lot of church bodies do not have Christ as their head and focus on numbers of members, or how many people get "saved". When Christ is not the head of the Church, most things done in that church are in vain. Paul goes on to tell us that Christ in our redemption (deliverance) and has accomplished reconciliation at the cross. Christs blood created peace and redemption for believers. Paul ends with saying that Christ is our atonement.
(v. 21-23) Paul states that when we were born and until we were saved we were doing evil and were hostile. When he is saying this he is talking about the church at Colossae before they believed the Gospel. Paul tells us that Christ has reconciled the believers and gives us a new body to be presented as Holy and blameless before God. However, we must continue to pursue God and bear good fruit in our lives above all. We must stay in the true Gospel, Paul claims to have become a minister from the gospel.
(v. 24-29) Paul says he rejoices in his sufferings for Christs sake. He says that we suffer for the sake of Christs body which is the church. Paul mentions being a minister to makes Gods Word fully known to the world, which is a reference to preaching and spreading the Gospel. Christs' gospel is being revealed to the Saints (believers that make up the church). The Saints are to make Gods Glory known to the people, by showing Christ through their lives. Christ Works within us to proclaim this message (the Gospel) (Matthew 28:16-20)
I want to end this blog with a few quotes and thoughts on suffering from a pretty popular named John Piper. He has a book called, "Brothers, We are NOT Proffessionals" which is a plea to pastors for radical ministry. If you feel called into the ministry I highly recommend this book. But in chapter 19 "Brothers, Our Affliction is for their Comfort" he says the following statements: "The afflictions suffered by the Family of God are from the Heavenly Father for our good." In the Bible Job and Paul realized that when they were struck by Satan, they felt the hand of GOD. Ultimately, their suffering was from the Lord, and they knew it. "Satan's design is the destruction of faith, but Gods design is the deep cure of our soul." " The only genuine comfort will come from acknowledging that the all-powerful God has done it and He is infinitely wise and infinitely loving to those who trust Him." (referring to suffering) "If, by grace, we manage a mustard seed of faith in God's sovereign goodness through it all, we will discover unspeakable comfort" "In all our affliction, I am overflowing with JOY" (2 Cor. 7:4). For "if we are afflicted, it is for your comfort and salvation" (2 Cor. 1:6).
part 3 will be coming next week....