It has been a while since my last post, life has gotten very busy, but my study in Colossians has still been very important to me so I am going to continue my journey through Colossians with Colossians 2.
(v. 1-5) Paul begins by telling us about his deep passion and burden for the church at Laodecia as well as Colossae. He wants to go and preach in person to both churches. He speaks of the members of the churches and how their hearts are knit together with love, and that they will discover the knowledge and understanding of Christ is the source of all true wisdom and knowledge. He then warns the churches of attractive yet false teachings within their own church bodies. In verse 5 Paul brings alove one of the greatest truths in the world, that being: "The Spirit of Christ lives within us."
(v.6-15) Paul starts out trying to get the church at Colossae to come back to its original foundation. To come back to true knowledge, and get back to their roots. Paul uses the illustration of a tree being built up and its roots getting deep (in faith). False teaching in Colossae is bringing a real threat to the church there. What they have fallen into is believeing in the empty and dry teaching. Paul states that in true and biblical teaching one comes to know of the deity of Christ. If one is a believer Paul tells us that they share in power and authority over every rule and authority. This comes from our union with Christ, being one. We as christians no longer live in the flesh, we have been spiritually circumcised and now live in and through Christ. Christians now live in solidarity with Christ and His righteousness. Paul mentions the metaphor of baptism in salvation, we die with Christ, and rise up again a new person. In verse 14 Paul puts the gospel in amazing terms of "cancelling the record of debt that stood against us... and nailed it to the cross." Paul ends with explaining the defeat of darkness by His death on the cross.
(v.16-23) Paul begins this passage by continuing his warning againse false teachers. Theses false teachers had been preaching traditions were needed for salvation. Paul again references Christ being the head of the body and the church which he previously mentions in (1:18). If we do not have the head, our body falls apart. The false teachers gave a list of worldly things you should not do. Paul says to take the focus off of the world and place it on God.