Monday, January 25, 2010

Putting God in a Box

As Christians we have a magnificient and mighty God, but often times we put God in a box and do not let Him reveal His glory to and through us. We have our little box filled with God and we only let Him out when we want Him out. Around certain people we are comfortable with opening up our box and letting God shine, but then when we are around other people we close the box and hide it, and try to act like God is not a part of our lives. I want to tell you to destroy your box, destroy anything that you use to keep God from completely using you and shining through you. The same God that allowed a young boy to defeat a giant, or raised someone from the dead, or fed 5,000 people with fish and bread, got beaten, crucified, and rose from the dead, He is still the same God that He was when those events happened. The Bible says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). So are you willing to destroy whatever box, or idol you have in your life that is limiting how much you let God use you? Its time to let God fully take over your life and use you for His glory.

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